Picture Books under 1000 words
Assessments $125
Developmental $225
Copy $85
Developmental + copy/proofing $275

Middle Grade Novels
Assessments $100 +10/5000 words
Developmental $100/5000 words
Copy $55/5000 words for first edit, $30/5000 words for second edit
Proof $45/5000 words
Listed prices are based on averages, but services are tailored to your unique situation. Discounts are available for multiple types of editing when booked together.
I consider books for older audiences on a case-by-case basis. I am interested in nonfiction about environmental concerns and social justice, particularly concerning people with disabilities.
 I do not work on romance, erotica, or horror.
I book exclusively through Reedsy.
What Kind of Editing Do You Need?

Editorial assessments
This includes a single review. I examine your book in detail and write a report indicating specific areas where it could be enhanced or improved. The manuscript is unchanged, but we might meet up to discuss next steps.
Assessments are most useful when you're looking for sneaky issues like plot holes, character inconsistencies, continuity errors, or similar problems. I also use them to suggest improvements to style, pacing, tone, plausibility, and fact checking. I often find mechanical issues as well, such as misplaced modifiers and reliance on weak verbs.
Developmental editing
Development usually starts with an assessment, but instead of going our separate ways, I work with you to make the necessary changes. This might look like sending a manuscript back and forth, or perhaps we’ll meet up to create an outline or read scenes to each other.
If your beta readers are telling you that the story is good but it seems to be missing something, is too long, isn’t believable, has plot holes, or just didn’t connect with them, but you're not sure you can fix it on your own, developmental editing is probably a good fit for you.
Copy editing or line editing
Copy editing is the perfect choice if you really like your story, but some parts of it feel inconsistent or difficult to read. In this kind of editing, I work with smaller sections like paragraphs and sentences to make sure they are clear and expressive while also taking care of smaller inconsistencies to make the whole story make sense. It's my goal to discover what you're trying to say and make sure that message comes across to your readers.
I charge more for this kind of editing because I always do two reviews.
This is usually the last step in the editing process. When I proofread, I am strictly looking for typos such as incorrect spelling, comma errors, and other grammatical mishaps. I definitely make use of my robot friends to help me catch sneaky errors, but I know you can't always trust spellchecker. I typically use the Chicago Manual of Style, though I am willing to work with other style guides.
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